Saturday, May 17, 2008

World of Warcraft

It was bound to come up.

Yes, I do play World of Warcraft (WoW).

Bloodscalp Server (PvP) - Horde - Level 70 Troll Hunter named Quetzalcoatl.
Engineer - Mining

There are several things I could say about this game. I've never played any other multiplayer online game like this (multiplayer first person shooters but this is a 'role playing game'). WoW is a lot of fun when you have goals. When you stop having goals the game stops being fun. For example, I hit level 70, bought my flying mount and then really did not know what to do with myself. My guild is a great bunch of people but most of them are really getting burnt out over the game. There is an expansion on the horizon that may break several players of the game.

I'll rant about expansions later.

Recently I discovered (well I finally looked into after much prodding) Daily Quests. You can perform these everyday for money and reputation with certain factions. Up until now I had a difficult time getting money. With these quests I have no problem at all. As my guildmates aren't on in force right now I realized that my gear was going to have to come from somewhere other than dungeons. So I sat down with some data bases and plotted out the items that I needed. This means I will need lots of money, which should not be a problem because of the daily quests. So I'll have moderately good equipment. I guess I could PvP in the Arena but I would more than likely get rolled over because of how far I've fallen off the PvP horse.

All-in-all I have to: level up my engineering, fishing, cooking, get 5000 gold for my epic flying skill, decide if I want a Netherdrake or a personally built gnomish flying machine for an epic flying mount, get all of my equipment, enchant all of my equipment and then start to stock-pile equipment for when the next expansion hits, if I want to play it...

Now expansions... World of Warcraft costs about $50 to buy the game. Then you have to pay $13-15/month to play. On top of that now are the expansion content. To play 'the Burning Crusade' (expansion 1) you need another $40-50. Well 'Wrath of the Lich King' (expansion 2) is coming out soon. A lot of my friends are debating on continuing to play or just calling it quits. I really don't know if I want to keep playing but at the same time, after taking a break from the game, I really get back into it. The other problem is this: when I bought the burning crusade I never played it when it first started. So I missed out on all of the fun and all of my guild was already far along though the game. Now if I play the next expansion when it comes out I might have a better chance of actually getting into the game.

Well, we'll see. In the meantime I also have my Warhammer/Privateer Press/Wargaming Miniature hobby too. Additionally Valve is coming out with 'Left 4 Dead,' you play as one of the 4 survivors against a zombie horde in a city. It should be fun... if I can get a computer that can run it.

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