Tuesday, May 13, 2008



This is going to be the site where I will post progress on my miniature painting. At the moment I am in the early phases of merely getting the figures together.

For now I am collecting from Games Workshop but will be adding to this as we go along.

Currently working on: Color Scheme.

Army: High Elves.

I took a picture of a basic High Elf Warrior with a spear and then edited it using photoshop. My idea is that I can group certain parts of the warrior and color it in photoshop so I can select a color scheme before I start painting. At the very least I will have some ideas of how I want to paint the figures.

Additionally this is giving me some other ideas: should I paint the basic soldiers in a more simple color scheme so the special troops stand out more?

What is the basic unifying color of the army?

I am also wondering how I should go about making the banners. I could pain a unit banner for each unit but attach the banner itself via magnets. I could them make the magic banners for each banner in the Armoury and then swap them out as I need them.

That might be a project for a later date.

Next post: Color Schemes.

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