Thursday, August 7, 2008

Conversion Ideas

There is a song by CCR with the words, "Oh someday never comes..." This refers to the promises we make but never keep.

In my case it refers to my ideas that will never come to be but like to think about:

I'm going to have to reorganize this into painting, individual models, armies and full on major conversions/sculp from scratch.

Conversion Ideas:

1. Futurama Cast

2. Battlechasers Cast

3. Necron Army:

A. Cylons (old and new)

B. Droid Army - Star Wars Episode One/Droids throughout the series in a swarm?

C. Penny Arcade: scarabs are Divx players, troops are fruitfuckers, monoliths are fruitfucker primes and the crowns: Gabe as the Destroyer god and Tycho as the Deceiver god.

4. Tenacious D: the Two Tencious Kings of the Underworld: Rage and Cage

5. Darken Webcomic Cast

6. Zebragirl Webcomic Cast

7. LFG Webcomic Cast

8. Tau Army:

A. Mon Calamari as the Tau and that race that lives with them (squid headed) as the Kroot

B. Model the original Gundam ships as Crisis suits

C. Protoss - starcraft, or would they be more like the Eldar?

9. Wookies

10. Dune

A. House Harkonen

B. House Artreides

C. The Imperial House (before and after the first book)

11. Tyranid Army

A. H.G. Giger's Aliens

B. Starship Troopers

C. Metroid Space Pirates and Ridley

D. Zerg - starcraft

E. Pitch Black - movie, whatever those monsters were

12. Space Marines

A. Brotherhood of Steel - Fallout

B. Space Wolves - change to Cats and make all the good characters

C. Chaos Marines - based on Deathklok (Metalocolypse)

13. Fallout

A. Vault Dwellers

B. Deathclaws

14. Imperial Guard

A. Empire

B. Rebel Alliance

C. GI Joe (cast as commanders: Pirate, Ninja Guy, etc)

D. Terrans - starcraft

15. Naga Army - Warcraft 3 expansion

16. Necromunda Army - Chronicles of Riddik

17. Labyrinthe - the movie

18. The Dark Crystal - the movie

19. Demons

A. Silent Hill - video game

B. Legend - Tim Curry's character from the movie

C. Angelic - a full demon army but they look like angels

20. Pirates

A. Davy Jones and Crew

21. Tron

22. Star Trek

A. Scene: Ensign Red Shirt looking at device, BIG Tyranid jumping from above

B. Borg Necrons

23. Chronicles of Narnia

A. Aslan's Army

B. The White Witch's Army

24. Dungeon Keeper

25. Xena Warrior Princess

26. Thundercats? Wait, see Space Marines

27. Villians

A. Skeletor

B. Mum-rah

C. Maleficent + Dragon form!

D. Hades

E. Hook

F. Oogie-Boogie

G. Ursula

H. Cobra Commander (hell + the entire Cobra army)

28. Nightmare Before Christmas

29. Kingdom Hearts

30. Final Fantasy

A. 3 (6) - Magitek Armor

- Kafka

- Setzer's Airship

- Maybe the whole cast based on the artwork?

-The um... Whatever they were called, at least Shivah and Ifrit

B. 7 - Cast? ugh... maybe not

- The elemental things sent to destroy all life on the planet

- Jenova, in all her glory

31. Dark On

A. The different Kingdoms?

32. High Elves

A. Kestrel Army

-Based off the blood elves, mounts are Hawkstriders

-Spellbreakers, etc. Kael as the leader?

B. Find all of the old Heroes


-Queen Arliel


C. Western themed - Ellyrian army

33. Tremors - the movie

34. Gorillaz - the band

35. Metroid - the game

A. Samus

B. Metroids

C. Ridley

D. Space Pirates

E. Mother Brain

36. Dungeons and Dragons - old cartoon show

37. Legend of Zelda - game

38. Galactic Civilization - ship conversion ideas

39. Eldar

A. Avatar


B. Circe De Sole - a harlequin-colors and style themed army

40. Alice in the Looking Glass

41. Lullaby - wowio comic

42. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

43. Scene

A. Dante's Inferno - book

B. Florence - city

C. Clerks - movie

44. Flight of the Navigator - movie

45. Gods of India

46. Battle Angel Alita - comic

47. Akira - comic

48. Ghost in the Shell - comic/show

49. Vampire Hunter D - movie

50. Ghost Rider - comic/movie

51. Hellboy - comic/movie

52. Spawn - comic

53. Penny Arcade - webcomic

A. Cardboard Tube Samuri

B. Arcadia

54. The Black Cauldron

55. Xenogears/saga - games

56. Shadowhearts - games

57. Starslip Crisis - webcomic

58. Half Life

A. Portal




-Weighted Companion Cube


B. Half Life

-Gordon Freeman, Gman, Etc.

-Army: Combine and Rebels

59. The Old Game

A. The Cast

60. Id

A. The different Tribes

B. The Red Machines - though how do you make them different then dreads?

62. Japanese Ghost Stories

63. Western/Native American

A. How come there are never any cowboy elves? Or dwarves?

B. Ok, ok a western fantasy. Like all the races from the old world found a 'new' land and went over there to settle it in a group. So elves, humans, dwarves, etc. all living in the area. With guns and such too.

64. Vodou

65. Skaven

A. The Secret of Nyhm

B. Albino Army

C. Future Rats?

66. Firefly/Serenity - show/movie

67. Pitch Black/Chronicles of Riddik

68. Dogma - movie

69. Magic - card game

A. Leviathan


70. Disney (see also, Kingdom Hearts)

71. The Wizard of Oz

72. Phantom of the Opera

73. Heman/Shera?

74. The Brain Spawn

75. Quagmire

76. Mafia - like the old suit wearing kind, with the tommy guns

A. Along those same lines fantasy mafia, like the elf mafia, etc.

77. Planet of the Apes

78. GWAR - a band

79. Colonial-Looking Fantasy - with the wigs and everything (I'm thinking an orc in the wig)

80. The Adams Family - show/movie

81. The Munsters - show/movie

82. Sherezadne's One-Thousand-and-One Nights

83. Evil Dead/Army of Darkness - movies

84. Predator - movies/comics

aaaaaaand we'll organize and add to this as we go.

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